LEAP™ Advanced Therapy Platform

Reduce Timelines. De-Risk Trials. Get to Patients Faster.

Accelerate Your Path to Clinic with BioCentriq’s LEAP™ Platform​

The LEAP™ platform offered by BioCentriq provides early-stage biotech companies with novel cell therapy candidates an avenue to leverage proven expertise and assets to reach patients in record time. ​

Sponsors who leverage LEAP™ minimize up-front investment in process development, reduce risk, accelerate timelines, and lower the cost of IND-enabling studies and clinical production. ​

Download LEAP™ Flyer

Get to Clinic in Six Months

In as short as six months from project initiation, sponsors can receive IND clearance and begin treating patients. 

Leverage BioCentriq Assets

Moving from project kick-off to patient dosing in six months is achieved using BioCentriq’s established methods and processes for scale up, including:  

  • Pre-Existing Master Batch Records  
  • Established SOPs 
  • Qualified Analytical Methods 
  • Trained Personnel 
  • Completed Aseptic Validation 
  • Proven and Reliable Supply Chain 
  • Phase Appropriate Quality System 
  • Fit-for-Purpose Facilities and Equipment 

LEAP™ Advanced Therapy Platform for Multiple Modalities

BioCentriq can offer the LEAP™ platform in the following modalities:

  • LEAP-NK™
  • LEAP-DC™

Benefits of Leveraging BioCentriq’s LEAP™ Platform

  • Reduce process development and scale-up timelines by up to 75% 
  • De-risk clinical trials with proven manufacturing processes and analytical methods 
  • Move quickly by capitalizing on existing aseptic validation and facility and equipment qualifications  
  • Utilize pre-existing documentation including protocols, methods, reports and batch records 
  • Access a qualified team with verified experience and recognized expertise 

Why Choose BioCentriq?

  • Experienced and expert team 
  • Pre-qualified equipment, methods and facilities 
  • Verified ability to scale-up 
  • Collaborative and transparent approach 
  • Willingness to integrate sponsor expertise either on-site or virtually 
  • Phase appropriate quality systems 
  • Track record of producing product for use in human clinical trials 

"We're extremely enthusiastic about the promising results presented in our abstract, "Large-scale biomanufacturing platform to produce high-quality, therapeutically relevant NK cells using the LEAP-NK™ Platform." The results suggest BioCentriq’s LEAP-NK™ platform utilizing propriety feeder cell lines can enhance expansion of NK cells >12,000 fold."


Mary Loveras

Associate Director, MS&T

"At BioCentriq, we understand the complexities of navigating a funding-constrained environment, which is why we offer Rapid Tech Transfer, a risk-based approach to help therapy developers prioritize speed, reach milestones, and ultimately, get their therapeutics to patients in need."

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Melissa Mastro

Senior MS&T Engineer

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